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What does "Famtastisch" stand for?

Famtastisch: FAMily and fanTASTIC

Our foundation was established by a family – and this is reflected in our name. The word “fantastic” (German: fantastisch) refers to our exceptional partners, who embody our familial atmosphere based on trust and mutual respect.

Franz Viegener, der Famtastisch-Vorstand, klatscht in die Hände einer Mitarbeiterin einer NGO, die Famtastisch fördert.

Our team

We all want to make a difference. We all want to have a positive impact. And everyone on our team brings their own unique individual perspectives and experiences to the table.

A woman with long dark brown hair, Caroline Wetzke, stands in a birch forest with her hands in the pockets of her red pants and smiles.

Hi, I’m Caro.

As a mother, I get worried when I think about my children’s futures in 20, 30 or 40 years: What will a world without biodiversity look like? How will climate change impact us as a society in Germany, Europe and around the world? And how is it possible that we have been aware of climate change and the corresponding future scenarios for so long, and yet we continue to barrel towards this future with blinders on? I want to do my part to effect change.

But not only that: I want to take a different approach to foundation work – personal, partnership-based, and as a learning organisation. Why? I’ve seen for myself what doesn’t work from an NGO perspective: a short-term planning horizon, overdependence, and too little trust in the autonomy of the organisation. Instead, I listen to organisations and I’m genuinely interested in hearing what they need, I ask a lot of questions, and I learn something new with every discussion.

Caroline Wetzke

Managing Director

A grey-haired man with laugh lines around his lips , Markus Hipp, stands in a birch forest. He looks openly into the camera and has his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

Hi, I’m Markus.

Farming is basically in my DNA. From harvesting potatoes to transplanting seedlings, my lifelong connection with food started at my grandparent’s farm and my uncle’s plant nursery. In recent years, I’ve become even more aware of what we eat. I have actively observed how nutrition affects me and my energy levels. I find it incredibly important to acknowledge the value of food. Which is why I’m so pleased that I can work towards this goal at Famtastisch.

I enjoy guiding and shaping transformations. I have worked in the philanthropy sector for many years. At Famtastisch, I can devote my efforts and my experience to a different role. When it comes to the team, I want to be the person I wish I had by my side earlier in my career: someone who shares their experience and knowledge, who inspires and encourages others, but who also knows their own limits. In my role as a Board Member, that means not getting actively involved in the day-to-day, but rather listening, advising and connecting.


Markus Hipp

Board Member

A broadly smiling woman, Sandra Khusrawi, stands in a grove of birch trees. She is wearing a royal blue blouse and has her hands tucked loosely into her trouser pockets.

Hi, I’m Sandra.


I’ve learned from my children that the simplest questions are often the most difficult to answer. Why are we pushing our planet so far beyond its limits? Why are wealth, opportunity and privilege distributed so unfairly? I want to give them honest answers that also take a critical look at our own actions.

More than anything, I love spending time outside in nature with my family, whether it’s in our own backyard, in the forest or in the fields at our communal farm. And it’s there at I am reminded time and again: It’s the fundamental things like community, friendship and a connection to nature that make people happy.

What do I appreciate most about the Famtastisch Foundation? The whole team, from board members to project managers, sees itself as a learning organisation. When it comes to funding sustainable, future-oriented solutions, we focus on partnership and teamwork. We combine healthy nutrition, sustainable agriculture and social justice. At the same time, humanity, trust, and mutual respect and appreciation are always at the forefront.

Sandra Khusrawi

Funding Partnerships

A green-haired woman, Anna Lazarescu, stands in a birch grove and smiles broadly. She is wearing a loose red blouse and large flower earrings.

Hi, my name is Anna!


As a child, I used to go on forage walks with my grandma through forests and meadows. Bringing home purslane, brooklime or clumps of nettles is until today at least as much fun for me as collecting Sailor Moon stickers once was.

As a passionate filmmaker, I incorporate social justice, lack of resources, the climate crisis and its effects into my projects, as I look to the future with great concern but also hope and want to help shape it in a positive direction.

For a sustainable, self-resilient and fair future, the following things are needed above all: strong cooperation and networks, and a constant exchange of knowledge based on trust and shared ideals. At the Famtastisch Foundation, I am encouraged to work together on these topics, which are essential to me personally. I can do so with my out-of-the-box-thinking and a lot of drive, and act in a meaningful way.

Anna Lazarescu

Team Assistant

A blonde woman with shoulder-length hair, Maren Schulze, looks into the camera with a broad smile. She is wearing a loose, white blouse.

Hi, I’m Maren.

From farm to table, food is my favourite topic. When I’m home, my favourite place to be is either working in my vegetable garden or pottering around in the kitchen. My passion for tasty, healthy, sustainable food is more than just a hobby: I’m a nutritionist and I put my heart and soul into my work.

In order to sustainably transform our food system over the long term, we need to introduce new ideas and solutions to our society. This requires good communication. I have made this my mission and am therefore responsible for public outreach at the Famtastisch Foundation. Whether it’s our website, social media or organising exciting events, I take care of everything communication-related.


What do I love most about my job? Getting to know inspiring people and learning about their ideas, helping to realise amazing projects – and working together with the rest of the team to make our food system just a little bit better.

Maren Schulze

Communications & Outreach


Hi, I’m Markus.

Farming is basically in my DNA. From harvesting potatoes to transplanting seedlings, my lifelong connection with food started at my grandparent’s farm and my uncle’s plant nursery. In recent years, I’ve become even more aware of what we eat. I have actively observed how nutrition affects me and my energy levels. I find it incredibly important to acknowledge the value of food. Which is why I’m so pleased that I can work towards this goal at Famtastisch.

I enjoy guiding and shaping transformations. I have worked in the philanthropy sector for many years. At Famtastisch, I can devote my efforts and my experience to a different role. When it comes to the team, I want to be the person I wish I had by my side earlier in my career: someone who shares their experience and knowledge, who inspires and encourages others, but who also knows their own limits. In my role as a Board Member, that means not getting actively involved in the day-to-day, but rather listening, advising and connecting.


Markus Hipp

Board Member

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