Für Journalist:innen und Interessierte:
Press releases & downloads
Report on activities 2023
Who was part of the funding portfolio in 2023 and what special events took place this year? You can find this and more information in the activity report (only in german).
Theory of Change
The Famtastic Foundation’s Theory of Change outlines the basis for the foundation’s actions and goals in terms of its two main areas of focus: food production and consumption.
(GERMAN) Fundraising Magazine 2024-05: "Vorzeitiges Ende einer Förderbeziehung"
Was Stiftungen daraus lernen, wenn eine Organisation keine Förderung mehr will.
(GERMAN) Stiftung & Sponsoring 05/2024: "Vertrauensbasierte Philanthropie – wie sie sich im Stiftungsalltag umsetzen lässt“
Vertrauensbasierte Förderbeziehungen geben Sicherheit – für Geldgebende, aber auch für Geförderte. Wie Zusammenarbeit auf Basis von Vertrauen gelingen kann und was Fördernde dafür tun können.
For journalists
Get in touch with experts who are working to transform the way we eat
The Famtastic Foundation is focussed on more environmentally friendly, healthier nutrition and farming in Europe. From practical agroforestry projects to actors involved in educating children about nutrition in outdoor classrooms – we are happy to put you in touch with charismatic founders and provide you with practical examples of best practices from our partner organisations.
The role of foundations in the transformation of our food system
We want to help transform the way we produce and consume food. We believe that our role as a foundation is to help create the right framework conditions for nonprofits so they can concentrate on the work of effecting change. We will be happy to talk to you about what we feel is needed and why trust-based relationships play a key role in our efforts.
Anna Lazarescu
Mail: maren.schulze@famtastisch.org
Maren Schulze (in Elternzeit)
Mail: maren.schulze@famtastisch.org